Furnished apartment

Our apartment is fully furnished and equipped, air-conditioned. Separate one bedroom and a living room, kitchen with cooking facilities, WIFI is also available. There is a large green surface, which can be used for recreation and sunbathing. Parking is absolutely free!

Close to nature

Those wishing to walk in nature reserves in the untouched nature can visit Tököli Parkerdő 8 km. Located in Ráckeve, 20 km away, the Ráckeve Thermal Spa can be found on the gentle lap of nature and the Savoy Castle, where you can enjoy a pleasant afternoon.

Shopping opportunities nearby

In the immediate vicinity of the holiday home there is a restaurant open all year round where excellent food is waiting for our guests, within 5 km there are further restaurants and shopping opportunities in Szigetszentmiklós City so you can get everything you need.

Dunapart Villa House River Danube

It is suitable for complete relaxation, for a romantic weekend, for up to 6 people.

The Dunapart Villa House is open all year round. The holiday home is perfect for relaxation, family relaxation, but as a resting-place for bicycles. You can also go fishing, barbecuing and boating, as the resort lies directly on the waterfront. Protected by nature, the area's fish stocks are big, ducks and swans swim in the resort, a great experience for children as adults. The resort has a direct panoramic view of the Danube from all its rooms. Beach option is closest to Szigetszentmiklós 5 km and Ráckeve 10 km away.


Our Apartments

Please see the characteristics of the apartment in the datasheet!

Dunapart Villa House

  • Capacity: max. 4+2 persons
  • Size: 60nm
  • Type: Family House
  • Price: 100 EUR/ night
View Details


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Kiváló vendégvárás. Közel vannak a budapesti látványosságok és a belváros.Kifogástalan helyszín és környezet. Apartman meglepően ...

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Frequently asked Questions

It is suitable for complete relaxation, for a romantic weekend, for up to 6 people.

The resort has a direct panoramic view of the Danube from all its rooms. Beach option is closest to Szigetszentmiklós 5 km and Ráckeve 10 km away. Located in the immediate vicinity of the Hungarian Kayak Canoe Selected Training Camp, the Danube is ideal for family canoeing and boating.

In the immediate vicinity of the holiday home there is a restaurant open all year round where excellent food is waiting for our guests, but within 5 km further restaurants can be found in Szigetszentmiklós City. Those wishing to walk in nature reserves in the untouched nature can visit Tököli Parkerdő 8 km. Located in Ráckeve, 20 km away, the Ráckeve Thermal Spa can be found on the gentle lap of nature and the Savoy Castle, where you can enjoy a pleasant afternoon.

Per night: 100 EURO / 30.000.-ft
the price does not include the cleaning fee and the tourist tax,
tourist tax per person / night 300.-ft

In the case of a reservation, you can pay the reservation fee by bank transfer to the given bank account.

Bank account number. 11773425-60666118
EURO bank account: HU32117750181552988800000000


  • free parking
  • wifi use
  • full air conditioning
  • restaurant 30 meters away
  • 150 meters away from shopping
  • Distance from Budapest is 20 km.
  • a separate bedroom, a living room,
  • cooking facilities in the kitchen,
  • Fully furnished,
  • daily housekeeping on request
  • green area, sunbathing possibility
  • boating facilities


Relax by the Danube, book Online!

Call us +36(30)4656966 or write an e-mail info@dunapartvilla.hu

Booking now

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